Texas Chainsaw Massacre…LIVE!!!!!

10659163_10201859611532475_7849926646767129048_nNovember 1, 2014 was a day that will go down in Horror movie Hall Of Fame. We were told that the house where the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was about a hour away from our house. We decided to take a trip out to see this house, the drive was quite a ways out there and we were feeling like we would miss it.  About 1 hour into the drive we decided to stop at a gas station to get directions ( typical horror movie movie right there.) the guy had no idea of where country road 336 was, this was were the house was. Using google maps we finally found where the road was and it was about 15 minutes away.  Passing though a town called Taylor, all I could think about was a corrupt town ran by hillbillies that lured people to the house and eat them.  Finally arriving at the house we saw this sigh 10689765_10205303913187032_6164725781381627497_n This was at the beginning of the driveway and it put a little damper on our adventure. Though we could not venture into the house, you can still feel the energy of the place. Fiction or not it is a crazy story, and you can feel the energy of the place. I wanted to cross the lines so bad it was hard to contain myself.  1381743_10201859611732480_8121449647750517038_n Our Friends went with us and they feared for their lives. This will go down as a great adventure of our time in Texas.

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